success stories

You may be a rich or poor person.You may be an indian, american or british .But you all must have one very intense desire of achieving success in your life in whatever field you are.

But it is a very known fact that success in true meaning in not easy to achieve.

nfact if success was so easy to achieve than it wouldn’t have been success at all.It is success because it it only achieved passing through very hard times by a person.

The gift of Success if only available to a person who has defeated all the negativity in between his failure and sucesss by strictly adhering to his goals and principles in life.Because only after failure or failures success follows.

But to keep ourselves motivated and committed towards our goals in life which is the essential for our ultimate success, we must get ourselves inspired by the great inspirational stories of successfull people all aroound the world.

In the filed of business also great success stories always inspires us to work towards our own goals and achieve it , no matters how difficult it looks to be achieved by us.If we keep ourselves motivated and consistently keep working on it , we will ultimatley achieve it .

In this article we are trying to provide you a list of some of the most successfull business people of the world , who has achieved great success in their particular field of business and always inspires us for achieving great heights in our life.

Bear grylls:

The sucesss achieved by bear grylls is really astonishing and unimaginable. I am saying this because he has achieved success in his life after almost losing his life and regaining it and taking it to such great heights which a common man thinks impossible.

He has got his nick name bear in his childhood in the family from his sister. I guess his sister must have noticed and recognised his bear like physical strengths .

Bear Grylls has started his career in the Special Air Service (SAS), a well-known special forces unit of the British Army.

There, he trained in winter warfare, jungle survival, demolitions, trauma medicine and high-speed driving and various other survival skills.

But unfortunately a very tragic the accident happened.

Bear broke his spine, landing on his back during landing from a parachute .His parachute didnt open at 16000 ft.

The injury was so sever that the doctors had told bear grylls that he would not be able to walk anymore in his life.

But he was determined to traverse the great heights in life in his career.And he really proved this by becoming the youngest british to conquer the world’s tallest mountain ,Mount everest” at the age of 23.

It was just 18 months after his tragic spine injury that he achieved this great heights in his career.

Today the whole world can see bear doing almost impossible looking things accomplishing with ease passionately. But no one knows about the great pain and sufferings which he has overcome in his life.

It is his real power and strength.

Behind the success story of every legend there is certainly some scene of pains sufferings and difficulties which has been overcome by them.

Steve jobs :

Steve jobs was born on 24th februrary 1955 in California USA.

I Have heard about the incident ,how Steve jobs has chosen his half eaten apple icon of his company ‘apple’.

But when i heard recently about the full story of  Steve Jobs as a successfull businessman I was really shocked as well as inspired.

I was shocked to know that ‘apple inc ; the $2 billion company with over 4000 employees was started with only two persons in a garage.

when you study the biography of steve jobs you will understand that his journey of success has not been not so smooth and he also has struggled a lot in his life to develop , sustain and at one time to prevent the company ‘apple inc’ from bankruptcy.

His success story is really inspiring and gives us great message of perseverance, sincerity, dedication hardwork and commitment towards own goal and purpose in life.

we can achieve anything in life if we can pass through the difficult times and reach the destination soonar or latter but certainly.

everything is possible if you have clear vision and great dedication and intense love to do it.

bill gates:

Bill gates was the richest buisnessman of the world continuously for many years.

This became only possible because of his great success in computers business.His company microsoft became the undisputed king in computer business in the world .

But all these has not happened overnight .It was made possbile by the hardwork dedication and intense desire and committment of bill gates in his computer business.

his life is a lesson of inspiration for every entrepreneur who want to achieve great success in his life.

Bill gates has started has started his career as a business very early in his life when he was just a teen.

So one must start as early as possible in any field of interest.Because people need time to gain experience and if one starts early in life one gets enough time to learn and grow and achieve success in life in the long run.

He had to drop out from the Harvard university. But he made it meaningfull with his success and greatness.

Thomas Edison :

If you see the lighting of bulbs across your city houses and street, than you must pay tribute to the inventor of first bulb, Mr Thomas Edison for that. He was one of the  greatest scientist of his time .

But his success story is really inspiring .He has shown to this world that we can build strong monument of success with many pillars of failures.

Thomas Edison was rusticated by his school declaring him mentally unstable.He was not aware of this fact untill his mother death.

His mother actually had hidden this fact and had told thomas Edison that he had to leave the school because he is a genious and he knows much more than the school can taught.

These words were actually nothing but a encouragment from a mother for his son and her full confidence in him.

THomas edison proved his genious later in his life with his many great inventions including the famous like telegraph and bulb.He failed thousands of times but continued and finally made the bulb’s invention.

He has struggled throughout his life ,but never gave up. He used to sell fruits and newspapers at the age of 12.

At the age of 67 he has to restart again his business after all his factory and warehouse were destroyed in a major was On 10th December 1914, a massive explosion in West Orange, New Jersey, USA. even at that age Thomas was an optimist and demonstrated to this world that a real hero and winner is always a positive person no matter what the situation ,time or age is.

Albert Einstein:

Albert Einstein is one of the most famous scientist I knew.He has won the Nobel prize for physics in 1921.

His contribution to the development of the theory of quantum mechanic Albert Einstein is well-known.

According to Einstein,’ success is a failure in progress and someone who has never failed cannot truly become a successful person.

Albert Einstein was not a genius student in school. Infact he was not able to speak fluently till the age of 12 years.Because of this he had been dropped out of the school where he studied.

But all these hurdles in his life only proved to be a motivating force for him to excel in his profession as a great scientist of all times.


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